黄永玉:幽默俏皮可可爱 笔墨诙谐萌萌哒|国画|艺术|绘画|画家|作家|花鸟画

发布日期:2025-01-03 19:39    点击次数:85

 黄永玉,字杏槟,号黄牛,又号牛夫子,生于湖南常德县(今常德市鼎城区),祖籍湖南凤凰。土家族人。壬戌年七月初八生,癸卯年五月廿六辞世。  黄永玉乃艺坛独秀,行走于世纪风霜雨雪之间,出身凤凰古城,足迹遍历八方。其于国画一艺,卓然成家,兼以妙笔生花,著文动人,广获读者赞誉。黄氏之画风,如其人生,充满奇幻色彩与动人韵律。每每挥毫泼墨,强烈色彩对比,观者无不为之目眩神迷,心动神驰。  Huang Yongyu, courtesy name Xingbin, also known as Huang Niu and Niu Fuzi, was born in Changde County, Hunan (now Dingcheng District, Changde City), with ancestral roots in Fenghuang, Hunan. He was of Tujia ethnicity. Born on the eighth day of the seventh lunar month in the year of Renxu (1924) and passed away on the twenty-sixth day of the fifth lunar month in the year of Gui Mao (2023).  Huang Yongyu was a unique master in the art world, traversing through a century of trials and tribulations. Originating from the ancient city of Fenghuang, his footprints spanned across the land. In the realm of traditional Chinese painting, he established his own distinctive style. Additionally, his enchanting writings captivated countless readers, earning widespread acclaim. Huang's artistic style, much like his life's journey, was filled with marvelous colors and enchanting rhythms. His paintings, with their strong contrasts in colors, always captured the viewer's attention immediately, leaving them in awe and profoundly moved.  黄永玉之画布,红黄蓝诸色相互交织,如同绚丽舞蹈。其线条亦灵动韵致,巧妙而生机勃勃。无论飞鸟振翅,抑或花柔瓣软,皆于其笔下栩栩如生,跃然纸上,生命奔腾。  黄永玉之技艺,不仅在于色彩线条之掌控,尤在于细节之极致追求。其花鸟画中,鸟羽轻拂似感微风,花瓣露珠仿闻晨香。此精雕细琢,源自其对生活之深刻观察与无尽热爱。黄永玉每一笔画,皆为其对世界之温柔触碰与深情表达。  On Huang Yongyu's canvas, vibrant colors such as red, yellow, and blue intertwine as if performing a dazzling dance. His lines are equally full of dynamism and rhythm, nimble and full of vitality. Whether it's the wings of a flying bird or the soft petals of a flower, they come to life under his brush, teeming with a burst of life ready to emerge.  Huang Yongyu's skill is not only evident in his mastery of color and line but also in his extreme pursuit of detail. In his flower-and-bird paintings, the feathers of the birds seem to feel the gentle breeze, and the dewdrops on the petals seem to carry the scent of the morning. This meticulous attention to detail stems from his profound observation and boundless love for life. Every stroke and every painting of Huang Yongyu is a gentle touch and deep expression of his affection for the world.  黄永玉之艺术,不仅为视觉盛宴,亦为思想之旅。其作品常以自然景物、历史典故、文化传说,抒发人生感悟,思考社会百态。在《猴》系列中,描绘猴形,讽刺人类弊端,展现超越尘世之洞察与批判精神。  黄永玉深入研究中国古代绘画理论与技法,融入己作。不仅承袭传统,且大胆创新,融现代元素,创时代新派国画。其作品既为传统文化致敬,亦为现代生活反思与表达。其画作古今交辉,成独具魅力之画卷。  Huang Yongyu's art is not only a visual feast but also a journey of thought. His works often use natural scenery, historical anecdotes, and cultural legends to express his insights on life and reflections on society. In the "Monkey" series, through his depictions of monkeys, Huang Yongyu satirizes and critiques the various shortcomings of human society, demonstrating his transcendent insight and critical spirit.  Huang Yongyu deeply studied ancient Chinese painting theories and techniques, incorporating them into his own works. He not only inherited the traditions but also boldly innovated, integrating modern elements to create a new style of contemporary Chinese painting. His works are not only a tribute to traditional culture but also a reflection and expression of modern life. In his paintings, ancient culture and modern thoughts shine together, forming unique and captivating art pieces.  黄永玉之作品,常透幽默俏皮之气。其艺术创作中,巧用机智比喻,诙谐语言,传达深邃思想。曾曰:“汝等皆太正经,吾唯有老不正经。”此种不拘一格之幽默,使其作品充满生命活力与无尽趣味。  黄永玉不仅艺术成就卓著,其慷慨温暖亦令人敬仰。无论为《约会巴黎》无偿提供封面画作,抑或关怀友人,皆体现其仁爱之心。曾曰:“为人子时,经济总不宽裕。”此经历使其更能理解生活艰辛,亦愿以艺术温暖他人。  Huang Yongyu's works often exude a sense of humor and playfulness. In his artistic creations, he frequently employs witty metaphors and humorous language to convey profound thoughts. He once said, "You are all too serious, so I have to be consistently unorthodox." It is precisely this unconventional sense of humor that imbues his works with vibrant life and endless charm.  Huang Yongyu not only achieved great success in art but also earned admiration for his generosity and warmth. Whether providing the cover artwork for "A Rendezvous in Paris" without compensation or showing care for his friends in daily life, every action reflects his compassionate heart. He once said, "During my time as a son, financial matters were always tight." This experience deepened his understanding of life's hardships and made him more willing to use his art to bring warmth to others.  黄永玉之艺术,乃流浪者心声,思想之绚烂画卷。其以色彩线条,绘一动人故事;以细腻笔触,展生命之美好与深刻。其一生,如画中斑斓形象,充满生活之热爱与艺术之不懈追求。黄永玉,此“九零后”老顽童,以独特艺术风格,谱写生命之动人赞歌。  Huang Yongyu's art is the voice of a wanderer, a splendid scroll of thought. With colors and lines, he depicts captivating stories; with delicate brushstrokes, he reveals the beauty and profundity of life. His life, like the vibrant figures in his paintings, is filled with a love for life and an unceasing pursuit of art. Huang Yongyu, this "post-90s" old mischievous man, with his unique artistic style, has composed moving hymns of life.责任编辑:苗君


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